Big Six Wheel Game

A VERSATILE BIG 6/MONEY WHEEL. Available in either fifty-two or fifty-four pin wheels, the LED Money Wheel is the perfect partner for the Blaze Big6/Money Wheel Gaming Table. TWO STAND OPTIONS. The LED Big 6/Money Wheel has two stand options to suit any budget. A VERSATILE BIG 6/MONEY WHEEL. Available in either fifty-two or fifty-four pin wheels, the LED Money Wheel is the perfect partner for the Blaze Big6/Money Wheel Gaming Table. TWO STAND OPTIONS. The LED Big 6/Money Wheel has two stand options to suit any budget.

This page features a list of math wheel spin games for 1st to 5th grades. The game is built around the concept of the wheel of fortune game which most kids love. The wheel of fortune is a wheel containing different sections, each having a number of points to win. The wheel can rotate and in the middle there is a pointer. Whenever the wheel is spun, it rotates until it stops at a point when the force decreases. When it stops, the pointer points to any random space. If you are lucky, the pointer will land on a space with more points. Hence this game is a lot about how lucky the player is. The player who is fortunate to land on a space with more points will definitely win a lot of “money”. In real life that is the basic principle. However as an eLearning game, the fun part and the ability to spin the wheel is dictated by your ability to answer questions correctly. Each time you spin the wheel, a window pops up with a math problem to solve. There are MCQ’s and each time you choose the correct answer, the system stores the number of points shown by the counter. At the end of the game, the winner is the player who had the highest number of points. These points are displayed at the top of your screen.

This game can be used to review several math skills and kids get to learn while having fun. Math is sometimes considered a boring subject that is why we are always on the lookout for exciting ways of teaching it.

Given that children learn at different paces and in different ways, we created games that will suite all kinds of learners. Children with ADHD and low attention span will be glued to these games. Have fun playing the spin the wheel game.

Review essential math skills for kindergarten, grade 1, grade 2, grade 3, grade 4 and grade 5 with these games. To go to a particular game, click on the topics of icons at the top of the page. You will be taken to another page where you can start practicing. To spin the wheel, hit the start and stop buttons which are found on the game. Answer the questions as they come.

On This Page


The Money Wheel was launched at the Jackpot Casino in Red Deer, Alberta, in June 2011. It is a variation of Big Six, which is the game with the large vertical wheel, usually found near the entrance of casinos and usually dealt by an attractive female dealer. What makes the Money Wheel different is 56 stops instead of 54, and some of them are multipliers. The house edge is also much lower than Big Six, as my analysis below will show.


  1. The player may bet on $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, or $40.
  2. All bets are paid on a 'to one' basis according to the odds of the bet itself. For example, a bet on $5 would pay 5 to 1.
  3. Four positions on the wheel will multiply any win, known as a Lucky Lucky. Two Lucky Lucky spots multiply the next win by 2x, one 3x, and one 5x. If 'Lucky Lucky' sounds familiar, it is because Lucky Lucky is also a blackjack side bet, both invented by the owner of the Jackpot Casino.
  4. If the wheel stops in any Lucky Lucky, then all bets will remain in place. No new bets will be allowed. The outcome of the next spin will determine the winning wager, as usual, but the odds will be multiplied by 2, 3, or 5, depending on which Lucky Lucky the wheel stopped in the previous spin.
  5. In the event the wheel stops in a Lucky Lucky twice in a row, then all wagers will lose.
  6. The following table shows how the wheel is apportioned.

Let's look at an example. The player bet $20 on the $5 spot. The wheel lands in the 3x Lucky Lucky. The next spin it lands in $5. The player would win $20×$5×3=$300.

Money Wheel Distribution

StopNumber on Wheel
2x Multiplier2
3x Multiplier1
5x Multiplier1


The following table shows the possible outcomes for the $1 bet. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 6.12%.

$1 Bet Analysis

5x Lucky Lucky win5230.0073340.036671
3x Lucky Lucky win3230.0073340.022003
2x Lucky Lucky win2460.0146680.029337
Standard win112880.4107140.410714

The following table shows the possible outcomes for the $2 bet. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 6.25%.

$2 Bet Analysis

5x Lucky Lucky win10150.0047830.047832
3x Lucky Lucky win6150.0047830.028699
2x Lucky Lucky win4300.0095660.038265
Standard win28400.2678570.535714

The following table shows the possible outcomes for the $5 bet. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 10.71%.

$5 Bet Analysis

5x Lucky Lucky win2570.0022320.055804
3x Lucky Lucky win1570.0022320.033482
2x Lucky Lucky win10140.0044640.044643
Standard win53920.1250000.625000

The following table shows the possible outcomes for the $10 bet. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 5.61%.

$10 Bet Analysis

5x Lucky Lucky win5040.0012760.063776
3x Lucky Lucky win3040.0012760.038265
2x Lucky Lucky win2080.0025510.051020
Standard win102240.0714290.714286

The following table shows the possible outcomes for the $20 bet. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 9.44%.

$20 Bet Analysis


Big Six Wheel Game Online

5x Lucky Lucky win10020.0006380.063776
3x Lucky Lucky win6020.0006380.038265
2x Lucky Lucky win4040.0012760.051020
Standard win201120.0357140.714286

The following table shows the possible outcomes for the $40 bet. The lower right cell shows a house edge of 11.35%.

$40 Bet Analysis

5x Lucky Lucky win20010.0003190.063776
3x Lucky Lucky win12010.0003190.038265
2x Lucky Lucky win8020.0006380.051020
Standard win40560.0178570.714286


The lowest house edge is on the $10 at 5.61%. My advice is to bet on that only.

Comparison to Big Six

Big Wheel Casino Game Strategy

The following table compares the Money Wheel to four versions of Big Six, also known as the Wheel of Fortune. As you can see, the average house edge is much lower on the Money Wheel compared to American Big Six. You would have to go to Australia to get a better average bet on a vertical wheel. The best single bet anywhere, including Australia, is the $10 at 5.61% house edge on the Money Wheel.

Big six wheel game online

Money Wheel to Big Six Comparison

BetMoney WheelBig Six
Las Vegas
Big Six
Atlantic City